Friday, January 23, 2009

White Totoro

I was crusing around flickr and found a knitting pattern for a white totoro and thought it would be fun to make one day. So I'm saving the link by posting a blog about it.

It turns out pretty cute. If any of you knitters want to try it out.

Update on the improv block - I added 4 strips to it last night and I thought I was close to being done (I have about 10 strips going around now) and it's only 7 inches (needs to be 12.5 x 12.5)! People making improv blocks on flickr must use bigger strips than me, I'm only really using scraps. I must admit now that it is getting cuter though. I was just trying to stay with blue and green but when you add more color (I added a strip of red and yellow) it looks a little better. I haven't figure out why that is through.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely quite for a lovely day.