Sorry I have been totally MIA recently. School has been kicking my butt. I didn't have a b-day party because I was too busy doing homework and studying for quizes. It's really bad actually. I almost want to quit because this is so hard on me, it kind of makes me think that I'm not smart enough to go through with this... yeah it's that bad.
Sadly I'm too strong willed to quit so I'm going to keep going because that's who I am, and quitting is just not an option for me ever.
On other news... long story short... (yeah long story)... I got engaged recently.
So there is a hussle and bussle about that. At first I was excited but now I think it's clamed down.
I feel like we are at the age where everyone is getting engaged or having kids. So it's not really a big deal. Though to my mother it's a big deal.
Here's the ring because everyone wants to see that. ^_^

Oh yeah it's a ritani from the bella vita collection. You learn a lot about settings and diamonds when you get engaged. Me and Patrick were very lucky to get this ring at the price we paid for it. I'm very happy with it.
The school quarter ends in 3 weeks.
See you then or sooner or later... haha... yeah I suck at keeping up this blog... bad Melody.
Take care.