See it's been like this since I have gotten it. I did all the things I "knew" like
1. re-threaded the top thread - didn't help
2. re-threaded the bobbin thread - didn't help
3. changed the needle - didn't help
4. re-did the bobbin -didn't help
I'm sure there are other things you can do that I didn't think of or knew but these were the things that usually "fixed" my brother.
Well it worked when I had it set to 0 so I just lived with it.
Now after looking at the Hello Kitty comments it seems that people that bought the Hello Kitty sewing machine also had a thread problem! And it's a Janome too!
Anyways in the comments they actually said how to fix that problem! Lucky me. ^_^

So here is my plate and I'm suppose to take it off.

I'm lucky that my plate is only held down by one screw. I'm sure that's like everyone else. ;-)

So you're suppose to take the bobbin out with the bobbin holder.

This is my naked sewing machine! It was kind of dusty so I blew it out with my compressed air (that stuff you use to clean keyboards).

So here is my bobbin with it's bobbin holder.

Anyways in the comments (for the hello kitty sewing machine) it said to pull at the thread while it's in the bobbin hold. So it's suppose to have a nice tug. Not too loose or too tight.
It turns out that mine was really really loose. I had not problem tugging at all.

So to fix it all you have to do is take a little screw driver and for me I needed to tighten that screw between where my bobbin thread enters the bobbin holder and where it exits it.
BOOM that totally fixed my problem! Now I can have my top tread tension at 4 and have my stitches come out right. Sweet.
Anyways this really helped me and I thought if I blogged about it, it might help other people. ^_^
Thanks a bunch!
Thank you thank you thank you!!
After trying, with no success, to unscrew the plate, I realized that the screw to tighten the bobbin tension was accessible simply by turning the bobbin's casing.
Thank you again for saving me a whole lot of frustration!!
I'm glad it helped you! ^_^ My blog is good for something. Yay! hehe.
Thanks for this. I never noticed that screw before, or would have known what it was for. I have my machine perfectly tensioned for nylon thread now and I tried every which way with the knobs before!! Thanks again.
Thank you so much! I stumbled upon your post after three days of frustration. I repeatedly cleaned, oiled, re-threaded, etc. It worked great for a few minutes & bam...back to the bobbin thread bunching, machine beeping & an error code. Working great now! Thanks again! :)
PS Recently, I learned that we are not supposed to use compressed air in our machines. The moist condensation can lead to rust. Now I use pipe cleaners & q-tips.
HI There,
I found your post at one in the morning, crying my eyes out because I had to get a few items finished for a wedding. I'm not a novice sewer, so the more the machine stuffed up, the more upset I became! I could just see it costing me time and money to fix, time which I did not have!
So, thank-you from the bottom of my heart, I am truly truly grateful that you took the time to post this with pictures and everything!
Pepper, from Australia.
P.S A million Thank-yous!!!!!!!!
Thank you from me too! Having battled for three hours this morning, you saved me from the horror of a potential three days from your other blogger! Best, Catherine, from Scotland.
I have a DC 2011, and this didn't work for me. :(
Taking it into the retailer this afternoon. We'll see what happens.
So, apparently, the screw was TOO tight, so they loosened it up, and adjusted the top tension, and we're GOOD! ;>
Thank you sooooo much for posting this information. At last my machine is working fine
I too had a similar problem which the lady in my local quilting shop solved by telling me about that tiny screw on the bobbin holder. Why can't Janome mention this in the instruction manual. I am sure it would save a tremendous amount of time and frustration.
I just bought a Janome and have the same problem. I googled and you came up with your awesome explanation. Thank you! I'm going to try it today and see if it helps. If not, I'll have to call the store I purchased it from and see what they say.
I wanted to add my thanks for your blog post! My zig zag stitches were not coming out correctly and the manual suggested that the thread tension was too tight, however adjusting the thread tension dial made no difference. Tightening the bobbin tension screw worked perfectly! Thank you :)
Thank you so much! I have been searching for a solution to exactly the same issue with my Janome DC3040. It's the first machine I've ever had that doesn't use a bobbin case, so I had no idea how to fix problems with the bobbin thread tension.
Thank you so much for this tutorial. I was so frustrated and then I found your blog. You saved the day!
Thanks for this tutorial. My new Janome wasn't just sewing how I wanted - tried everything in the manual and was setting thread tension to 0! Thought - this can't be right! Found your post - problem solved!!
I have a new Janome 605 and it seems that the bobbin thread is too tight as the reverse of my sewing always looks a bit kind of pinched and I have to have my top tension rather tight. But my boobin case seems to have 2 screws? Any feedback anyone please. I am very reluctant to fiddle with the bobbin screw until I know for sure that it's oK.
Thank you! I've been dealing with this issue off and on for months, and somehow never thought to check the thread tension of the bobbin manually. Now my machine is happy, and I am, too!
hi everyone
i have a bad news for the janome users, i just bought a janome 2222 ( mechanic) and it has thread tension issues that after i tried everything still diesnt work not even at 0 on plain cotton so i looked carefully to see if its not correctly installed so i ended up with the fact that its like that from the factory after i made calls at janome, and the attendant even said ah maybe doesnt pass throw tension and i said look lady im not stupid , i tried everything even tightening the bobin tension. and still nothing so the issue is the waranty doesnt cover it even its like this from the factory ( has 2 weeks the machine) so just imagine my frustration with the too stitches..........
Thank you so much, I have been having trouble for months and was dealing with it just like you (using 0, and still struggling)
I am a noob when it comes to fixing my machine and this worked a treat! Nice and simple instructions.
Thanks a bunch for sharing :)
Alyssa (from the land down under)
I have been fighting this problem for forever! THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Brenda in TX
Finding your blog was a God moment. I just bought a used Janome 6500 off a seller on Ebay and it had the same problem. I had tried everything, or so I thought. I was ready to send the machine back to the seller, but along came your blog. Thank you, thank you, thank you. One.little.screw. So.much.power. The machine sews perfectly now. My quilts are waiting. I have to go, but, again, thank you.
Thank you!!
Thank you for posting this blog it was very useful, it fixed the problem my wife was having with her Janome200e, please continue your great posts.
Thank you so much, this worked perfectly for my problem with my Janine sewing machine. You are my hero.
Dear rdrop,
OMG! I feel like hugging you right now! You just saved me a day of work, 45 british pounds, a nervous breakdown, and a 30 minute walk up-hill with my sewing machine in a suitcase to get it to the repair store (I don't have a car...and live in the most hilly city every created...).
PLUS, it is actually really satisfying to get your hands on the sewing machine, and fix the problem. I felt like McGyver for 10 minutes.
Thank you for that tip, it totally fixed the problem on my Janome DC3050 (which also needed a clean up...*shame*)
I agree with Mary and others, you are a hero.
Hallelujah. Thank you for your really helpful info and photos. As a long term sewer I was beginning to despair with my new Janome as I just couldn't get the tension right.
Well done.
Which little screw is it? Straight or phillips head? How much should I turn it? Sooooooo over the mess of threads on the underside of my fabric!!! Thank you!
Thanks a bunch... been stressing out with my Janome2222 on needle thread tension... and your article is a big help ��
Thank you so much for the instruction on the bobbin housing case needing the adjustment for the bobbin thread! I followed your instructions to the letter and it IMMEDIATELY solved the problem! I've written these instructions in my Janome manual in case it happens again! Again, my sincere thanks for putting this out there on the internet! Kind regards, Pat from Scotland!!! :)
Just have to add one thing. I took my bobbin assembly apart as described and brushed away all the fluff in the well and on the black thing, and then I tried tightening the screw, but the tension was still way too loose. I tried tightening it a bit, kind of a lot, and super tight, without result. Then I loosened the screw all the way and blew in between the two curved bits of metal (I guess the thin one is the equivalent of a tension disc?) and eventually I pulled out a *tiny* knot of dust from behind where the thread runs. After that it was possible to tighten it and the machine now runs perfectly! Thank you for this post!
Thank you!!! I got a very expensive new Elna 860 (same as Janome 9900), no local dealer. Have thought I was going crazy. Everytime I tried to sew on my fancy new machine the bobbin tension was all loose and on straight stiches, I could just pull it out. Followed your instructions and YEA!!!! IT WORKS GREAT NOW.
Thanks for thinking your post would help someone - it saved the day!After hours of trying to figure out what was wrong I found your blog, tried your solution, and am now able to finish the job. Thank you!
thank you for your idea I am going to try it and see if that is my tension truble .thank Vivienne from Australia .
Brilliant - why does the manual not tell you this. After months of endless re-rethreading, no loops on the back!
You have made me incredibly happy! Thank you
This is the best! I was at the dealer and asked a question about if it was possible my thread tension was messed up and they told me I had the wrong thread for the bobbin. No fix. I had some opinionated older ladies tell me that I didn't know what I was doing. Not helpful. I played with upper tension settings and tore my hair out over broken threads and terrible stitches for quite some time but I've finally solved my issues! My Janome embroidery machine is finally working great! Thank you so much - that last picture is worth its weight in gold.
Oh, my God!! You have saved me a trip to the shop! Thanks very much!!!!
Hi. Been having problems with the tension on my 525s and seeing your blog pictures showed me that I was not using the bottom bobbin correctly. Searched for tension but saw from your pictures what was missing from my instruction book! Previously used the front loading bobbin. Many thanks x
Thanks a million for this blog and your pictures. You have saved me from taking my machine into the shop. I have been trying to get the tension problem resolved on my Janome Harmony 8080 for months. Seriously, I am so very grateful. Thank you for sharing such a helpful hint.
Thank you so very much!! My tension is mostly fine for what I sew but I’m making a Christening gown out of very fine material for my first grandchild and the tension was horrible, puckering something shocking. Thanks to you it’s now perfect and I can get started fully confident that it will be gorgeous.
Hi all! I have read over all the comments. I was bought a new 7900 and I have had nothing but trouble and believed it to be me. Same thing, tried everything multiple times. Was at a Janome days lesson the other day and they suggested buying the blue dot bobbin. Thought that might fix it. Didn’t. Is this worth trying on the original bobbin? Been told not to mess with the blue dot bobbin as it will never go back if you touch it. I’m going nuts and have reverted back to myElna in my frustration. Thanks for your help.
Sometimes bad tension is the result of a heavy thread or a different needle. I just discovered that thread has different thickness and can really mess up my tension. Also, the newer batik fabrics (gorgeous as they are) are a tight weave and difficult to get a good tension with. So frustrating. They also say that thread produces lint that can mess up our tension wheels inside the machine and we should vacuum, with a a TINY vacuum, out the threads inside the machine. Really!?! When did our machine get so complicated? Ugh.
More than 10 years from the original post and it's still helping people! Thank you for helping me get my brand new Gem sewing beautifully.
This was easy and concise - I too was tearing my hair out and why the manual doesn't mention this? Thank you so very much!!
Janome hasn't changed their style. My 4200 gave me fits for the first time yesterday. I was seeing $$$. Your advice was the perfect fix. Can't thank you enough.
Thank you for your very helpful suggestion and pictures. I was about to return the machine as I could find neither Janome customer service nor dealer help in solving the same thread tension issue on my brand new JW8100. I was, in fact, holding for the return authorization and browsing the web while holding when I chanced upon your blog. Tried it while I was still waiting on the phone, and since it got solved, hung up! I am now able to sew masks and beanie caps for my daughter's med school staff as a "something better than nothing" option! Thanks again, and bless you! Btw, my bobbin case has 2 screws, and one needs a flat head and the other a Philips. The screw next to the thread uptake is the one (flat head) is the one to loosen, just in case it helps someone!
Thank you for your blog. Thank you to those who commented, especially "unknown" who at 7:34am on 10/1/2016 posted: "Then I loosened the screw all the way and blew in between the two curved bits of metal (I guess the thin one is the equivalent of a tension disc?) and eventually I pulled out a *tiny* knot of dust from behind where the thread runs. After that it was possible to tighten it and the machine now runs perfectly! Thank you for this post!"
I had a very frustrating day. I tried to correct the tension problems (which I've never had before after years of use) on my Janome Jem Platinum. Then I found your blog and "unknown's" comment. I too was successful after I cleared that *tiny* knot of dust. Thank you!
You have no idea how grateful I am for this post, blimey I was fed up! I am so relieved, I thought my machine was knackered. Big thank you friend xx
I'm here in 2020, grateful for this post!! I think it's solved my bobbin tension issues :D
Thank you so much for sharing this - i have always thought it was just the way my machine was and i would not have nice stitching, now my bobbin thread looks alot better and doesnt just look like a straight line! :)
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Thank you so much for this!! I just purchased a new Janome. I have a 30 plus year old Singer that needed some work, the new Singers are horrible! Anyways, I could not get the tension setting right on my Janome, found your blog and thought why not try it. Blew my mind!! it was the right fix ! I just assumed it would come off the factory line set properly, never assume !
Thanks again !
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