Sunday, December 7, 2008

Print your own fabric

I was hanging out on flickr and someone had this lovely fabric posted

Isn't it super cute?!

Anyways it seems someone designed it and you can have custom fabrics made from

I went over to check it out and yup that's right you can have your own fabric made though this website, I think that's pretty neat. Too bad I'm not that creative. Just posting this to let people know. ^_^

Friday, December 5, 2008

String Quilt Four Blocks Made

I started this the night I wrote a blog about it a few days ago.

I thought this was a perfect way to use my scraps. So I started with 6x6 in muslin and I planned on cutting it down to 5.5x5.5.

So you start off by just sewing two scrap fabric strings together.

Then you iron and then you sew another scrap fabric on both sides

Here is a picture of it being ironed after sewing a piece on both sides

So you keep doing this till you fill out all the muslin. Which actually took longer than I thought it would. I really didn't plan out these blocks, just whatever I pulled out of my scrap stash was added. Some of my strings were too long and so I had to cut them but then it was a prefect size to be added to another block.

Here it is befor I cut it. Looks really wonky. When I read the website they said the best string quilts are the ones that aren't planned and just done as people go, I wasn't too sure about that but okay I decided to cut to see how it goes.

Here is my four blocks right now. It actually did turn out pretty good. I actually over estimated the amount of scraps I have so this will be all for now till I create more scraps to make string quilt blocks out of.

I actually think this was an excellent way to use scraps that are string like. ^_^

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

String Quilt

I don't know if anyone else has heard of this... though I suspect they have since I'm usually the last person on the planet to know about stuff (or at least that's how it feels sometimes).

It seems the string quilt is a big deal these days. I found a tutorial about it here

It seems pretty simple. I'm going to try it out and let you guys know about. ^_^

Monday, December 1, 2008

Pac Man Pillows

I'm actually trying to make the whole set but this is what I have so far. ^_^

They turned out pretty cute. My blue will is going to look up and my red one is going to look down. ^_^